Weapon and ammunition transportation

The amount of payment and special conditions for transportation of firearms and ammunition on direct and connection flights.

NameThe cost of transportation  on internal flightsSpecial conditions
Firearms and ammunition
15 000 KZTPhysical persons who own weapon and ammunition have to have permission on the right of possession and carrying each unit of weapon given by appropriate authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a mark of trade organization about realization this weapon or the duplicate of permission. The preliminary inquiry is required. SSR the «WEAP code is used. For confirmation of weapon it is necessary to check the description and quantity of weapon, model and serial number, organic number, the purpose of ammunition (cartridges).
Firearms and ammunition
Free of chargeEmployees of state bodies carrying out operative – search activity and performing duties related to the accompaniment of the arrested (a suspect), transportation of material evidence, prosecutions and other official documents and materials, workers of the units of the State Courier Service,
carrying special post or cargo, personal military guards accompanying convoy persons, employees of the State Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan who is on duty connected with maintenance of protected persons in the presence of the corresponding marks in the traveling certificate. The preliminary inquiry is required. SSR the WEAF code is used. For confirmation of weapon it is necessary to check the description and quantity of weapon, model and serial number, organic number, the purpose of purpose of ammunition (cartridges). 

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