Compliance service

The Compliance Service of «QAZAQ AIR» JSC was established in 2021 by a decision of the Company’s Board of Directors. The Compliance Service is an independent structural unit directly subordinate and accountable to the Board of Directors of the Company. The main purpose of the activity is the implementation of the Compliance Program, the definition of anti-corruption policy, as well as monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption measures, including the assessment of corruption risks.

In accordance with the Policy of proactive information in JSC «QAZAQ AIR» and the Anti–Fraud and Corruption Policy of «QAZAQ AIR» JSC , you can report any theft, fraud, corruption and other violations of the basic principles of doing business or the Code of Conduct.

You can also send a message or ask a question directly to the Head of the Compliance Service

Contact details for contacting the Нotline can be found here.

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