Appointment of the Acting CEO of «QAZAQ AIR» JSC

Since May 21, 2024, in accordance with the decision of «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC Mr. Umraliyev Adilbek Dzhumabaevich, CFO – Member of the Management Board of the «QAZAQ AIR» JSC appointed as Acting CEO of the «QAZAQ AIR» JSC. In 2019, Mr. Umraliyev moved to the position of CFO and Member of the Management Board of JSC «QAZAQ AIR» from JSC «Samruk-Kazyna», where he had worked in the asset management divisions since 2010 and was included in the personnel reserve.

Earlier, from 2007 to 2009, he worked at JSC «Kazakstan Garysh Sapary» and JSC «National Info-Communication Holding «Zerde».

A. Umraliyev graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics, from the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade with a degree in Finance, and holds an MBA in International Business from the European University Business School. He also has an Airline Management Diploma from the IATA Training Center.

QAZAQ AIR is a Kazakhstani regional air carrier certified to the IOSA international safety standard and is an official member of IATA.

In 2015, the airline was included in the state program for privatization, and from 2022, upon achieving operational profitability, its privatization process entered to the active phase.

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